报告题目1:作物遗传进展概况 (8:00-10:00)
报告人:德国科学院院士Christian Jung 教授
Christian Jung,Director and Professor
Education Background:
1987- 1992 Molecular genetics of nematode resistant sugar beet Institute of Botany, University of Munich
1984-1986 Breeding nematode resistant sugar beetInstitute for Applied Genetics, University of Hanover
1981-1984 Per se performance and interaction between wheat and rye genomes in triticale Institute for Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Göttingen
1976- 1981 N2-fixation of the hydrogen bacterium Alcaligenes latus Georg-August University Göttingen
Working Experiences:
2016-2020 Vice-President of the German society of plant breeding (GpZ)
2015-Editor of the scientific journal Frontiers in Plant Science chairman of the scientific advisory board of the ScienceCampusHalle
2011 scientific coordinator of the DFG priority program SPP 1530/1:Flowering time control: from natural variation to crop improvement
2009- Editor of the scientific journal Euphytica
2000-(2000-2007, Editor-in-chief)Editor of the scientific journal Plant Breeding, director, Plant Breeding Institute, University of Kiel
1992- 1993,assistent professor, Institute of Botany, University of Munich
Research Interests:
Flowering time control;CRISPR-Cas9 targeted mutagenesis leads to simultaneous modification of different homoeologous gene copies in polyploid oilseed rape; Genetic analysis of delayed bolting after winter in leaf beet; The BR1 locus controls bolting resistance after vernalization in sugar beet
Professional Activities:
Peer review of numerous scientific journals and governmental funding agencies Vice-President of the German society of plant breeding (GpZ) Chairman of the scientific advisory board of the ScienceCampusHalle
报告人: 中国工程院刘旭院士
刘旭,中国工程院院士,教授,博士生导师,植物种质资源学家。1979年毕业于河北农业大学农学系农学专业,1983年在中国农科院研究生院作物遗传育种专业获硕士学位,1997年在中国农科院研究生院作物遗传育种专业获博士学位,2009年当选为中国工程院院士。擅长植物细胞学、作物遗传学、 生物化学及分子生物学,多年从事农作物种质资源研究,特别是对普通小麦起源演化、遗传多样化分析以及特异DNA序列克隆等研究有效高水平,并对生物多样性、农业科技革命和农业可持续发展有较深入的研究。曾任中国农业科学院品资所所长兼党委书记,中国农业科学院副院长、党组成员、研究员。现任中国工程院副院长、党组成员。